Sunday, June 28, 2015

Satellite Image Of The Aral Sea Looks Like An Abstract Painting

Photo credit: Copernicus data (2014/2015)/ESA. A combination of three radar scans from Sentinel-1A.
This beautiful satellite image of the Aral Sea belies the destruction it reveals: Once the world’s fourth-largest inland body of water, it has lost nearly 90% of its water volume in the last 50 years. The reason is due to irrigation projects that have effectively destroyed the region’s fishing industry and wrought economic hardship on the locals.
The Aral Sea was once 26,000 square miles (67,300 square kilometers) and supplied the Soviet Union with a sixth of its fish catch, according to National Geographic. In the 1960s, this all changed as 20,000 miles of canals, dozens of dams, and more than 80 reservoirs were built to irrigate vast fields of cotton and wheat.
To make things even worse, the system was inefficient and leaked. As a result, millions of fish died and locals were plagued by violent sandstorms that contained chemicals from former weapons testing, industrial projects, and fertilizer runoff, according the European Space Agency (ESA).
The image above is composed of three radar scans from Sentinel-1A. The colors are each assigned a date. Colors other than those listed below represent changes between the acquisitions.
Red: October 17, 2014
Green: December 28, 2014
Blue: February 14, 2015
As described by ESA: “In the lower right, the red, yellow and green boomerang shape shows where water flows into the dry seabed from a river, and colors show how the area covered in water increased over time. Along the left side of the image, the large dark area shows where water is still present. Colors along the water’s edge show water-level changes between acquisitions. Red shows a lower level than blue, so the water level was lower on 17 October 2014 than on 14 February 2015.”
Below is another example of the desiccation of the Aral Sea. These images were taken from 2000 to 2014.
Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
[Hat Tip: Live Science]

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Useful Methods for Abstract Art Painting

There are various types of painting methods that are followed by the artists. The most popular of all art paintings is abstract art. This technique aims to reach the manipulation of lines, shades and a foundation without the appearance of things. A designer can utilize the shapes and color spots to have the artwork prepared in a really colourful style. A kind of abstract painting referred to as abstract poured painting is one of the challenging and encouraging painting strategies of all.

Becoming familiar with the abstract art can be slightly troublesome on the nerve. You can begin by gaining knowledge from painters. It will be useful to choose the painting technique of these specialist artists and strive to paint in a similar manner. You can make use of the abstract technique to develop your own unique style of painting. For starters professional painters are the best guides. You can also take lessons for this reason. Abstract painting needs to be learned on canvas with the help of a professional. 

The instruments for abstract painting help you have the best picture. There are guides accessible on the internet for learning abstract art also. Sticking with every step from the tutorial can help you put together the ideal abstract painting. The guides can support you become a perfect artist without any specialist support. All the imperfections change into perfection with the support of instructions. Aside from guides you can also get various forms of approaches and solutions to abstract art paintings. Penetrating the fundamentals of abstract art would be best to achieve flawlessness in the artwork. After that you can make superior, funky and traditional designs on your own. Appropriate insight and technique along with some details about colors and other essential tools required for artwork will help you design your unique master piece.

Individuals having experience in abstract poured painting can also understand from the lessons available on the internet. Acrylic paints are added on to the prime linen canvas to set up the strategy of poured abstract art or painting. Simply pouring the colour is not abstract art. You can have moved the brush within to create something innovative and unique.

Every day, new tricks and tips are established and shared with the world. By the help of these guides a professional artist can develop his or her abilities and set up completely new and innovative abstract arts. Several painters try to find new concepts and painting strategies to improve their abilities. Acquiring the ideas and methods to the abstract art approach would be superior for the artists. These methods can assist get an artist refined.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wonderful Picture Framing Ideas- Uniquely Transforming Abstract Poured Painting

Through the years, there is a various painting approach has been recently launched. The abstract painting is one wonderful example. The abstract art depicts an idea through art in a very exaggerated manner. Nevertheless, this form of art has drawn the attention of many art lovers. The abstract painting has 3 categories known to be classified as the neoplasticisim, cubism, and expressionism. Andoreza Studios on contain some amazing abstract paintings for sale.

Abstract art for sale

The abstract painting is one of the leading painting medium widely used by famous painters such as Pablo Picasso, who is recognized to utilize the Cubism method. Nowadays, abstract painting is one of the most famous form of art used by artists to express their vivid imagination. It most likely would be more interpretations, thoughts, and emotions rather than just landscapes, patterns, and designs. Somehow you may be misled and think that abstract paintings are only random, simple scratch being depicted in the painter’s canvass. Well, it doesn’t work that way, because abstract painting would always need a painter’s patience, skill, creativity and intelligence.

If you are interested in buying Abstract Art, you can get some very beautiful abstract art for sale here.